Black is a regular stick-figure like any other, coming from a long line of other Black stick-figures that look pretty much exactly like him. The only descernable difference is his eyes. Which even then he's only had for a good 5% of his life. Somehow they all recognise eachother despite this, and are very offended if you mis-identify any of them.
Black stands out due to his eyes being circles. Which, as you could probably tell from literally every non-main character in the show, isn't the normal thing to be. He has sharp teeth, mostly just because I thought they looked cool. Wait, why did I use past-tense? Those ARE damn cool! I'm a creative genius!
Now that I think about it, I can pretty much write whatever I want here. Who reads this garbage anyway? Shlip Doop Scorp Lamp Lad Lope Rame Name Shame Claim Tame Dame Cain Feign Slame. By the way, if you really want information about the actual character. The show is RIGHT there. It's really 5 minutes of your time. Why do you need to read a character bio? Who takes this that seriously? Blah Blah Blah, go watch DumbShow. The fellas up at HR tell me it's some kind of New Show or something.