Several characters doing animations.

After watching the LOVEWEB episode on Neocities I'd decided to return to the site after making it in September the year prior... and then abandoned it again, so one year after it started, it's back!!! Major overhaul of the whole website so I hope it makes up for lack of... everything.

Button labelled Navigation

Update Log

  1. 1/9/23: Website Created, Given Placeholder Webpage
  2. 22/1/24: Changed Header from Coming Soon to the Current One, added Small Paragraph explaining the Website, changed color schemeing, change h2 font to Comic Sans, and gave it Red Background, added Interests List and added the Update Log.
  3. Later that same Day: Added MelonLand Warp Link, added a bunch of drawings to go along with Interests, added Manon gif lol
  4. 23/1/2024: Added Patapon Pixel Art, Moved MelonLand Warp Link, changed its size, changed title from Redymedy's Dumb Thoughts to Redymedy's Dumb Website, changed tagline from "Why's he thinking again..." to "Leave while you still can...".
  5. 25/9/2024: Major Website Overhaul, Changed title to "redymedys the name" removed Heading 1, removed tagline, added animated banner, replaced interests section with links, added giant picture of Firey, removed MelonLand Warp Link, and obviously, updated the Update Log.
  6. 10/10/24: Added Navigation, Punch the Penny, and a Pardon our Dust placeholder for an Animations page to come. Added link to Charlies website, and changed text above update log from "hat's all for the main page, other pages will be added soon... ACTUALLY THIS TIME!!! I CAN TELL YOU WHATS COMING NEXT ITS oh hey look update log" to just say "Update Log", also removed giant image of Firey on index, replaced with link to Navigation.
  7. 1/18/25: removed tab with links to my social medias labelled "FIND ME ELSEWHERE ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB". Replaced Navigation button with Enter on Homepage. Fixed dot next to the website banner. Moved banner to actually be in the head. Added Stupid Stickfigurz page, which includes: Character bios, logo, episode descriptions, episode icons, links to the individual episodes through the icons. Episodes currently there are: "War!" and "For Hire". SS Page also includes back button, which is currently just a copy paste of the Main button from navigation, and brings you here, fix this later to bring you to Navigation.
  8. 19/1/25: Added Guestbook.
Doodle in Flash of Me (Kinda)